A young woman (who has aged a couple hundred years in the last week); appropriately dressed, relatively kempt, grooming could be better (assuming she had a life); restless (in body, mind and spirit).

Mood on a scale of 1 to 10 is a big fat zero; affect is restricted and determined to remain consistent with mood.


Speech is spontaneous (still), rate and volume are surprisingly normal; full of innuendos.

Persecutory ideas: feels betrayed, back-stabbed etc. Has resolved to never ever trust another human being ever!

Delusions of guilt (are they delusions if they are true?).

No suicidal ideation (life may be upsetting right now, but the alternative is much worse).

Homicidal ideation….. not really. If there were no consequences however, that might be a different story.

All thoughts of cheer and goodwill withdrawn and replaced by bitter, vengeful thoughts by some dark alien forces.

Oriented in time, place and person (wishes she were in a different time, place and a diferent person).

Attention is fair enough, concentration not so much.

Memory is painfully intact: immediate recall, short term ,long term, the whole works.

Intellect is above average (appropriate adjective not used in order to prevent a diagnosis of grandiosity).

Judgement is questionable: has a portfolio of seriously poor judgement calls.

Insight appears full (this is after all, a self assessment).

ASSESSMENT= Joy Deprivation, Morale Destruction, Zeal Annihilation secondary to Many Many Things.